Random Acts of Kindness Day  - February 17th

Random Acts of Kindness Day is a great way to give back to society without expectation of something in return.  The painting above (from Planetary Healing Artists’ exhibition in 2018), is of St Fransis of Asissi and his life message was: greed causes suffering for both the victims and the perpetrators so we can take a lesson from his book and do something today that shows kindness.  

Some examples could be:

  • Compliment a stranger

  • Donate some clothes

  • Treat a homeless person with some lunch or just your time

  • Take the neighbour’s dog for a walk

 Most importantly don’t get discouraged if it is not reciprocated, just walk in the faith that you have done a good deed in the world.  Change doesn't happen overnight, but it only takes one person to create a ripple effect.


ST KILDA FESTIVAL is on again this weekend! 


Happy Valentine’s Day!