Happy Valentine’s Day!

Contrary to popular belief, Valentine’s Day is not just for the lovers but also for embracing the love that surrounds you like your friends, family or even pets, the ones that always have your back and are there to give you unconditional love. You are worthy of love even if no one has told you lately how special you are. Always treat yourself with compassion and kindness and remember self love is the first most important love. Because like Miley says, I can buy myself flowers ��

What are some ways today you can get back in touch with things you love to do and perhaps even share with others? You might want to create some art, write a poem or do some baking. Enjoy a love filled day everyone!

If you would like to showcase your artwork and join other like minded artists please sign up to our free membership. All the details are on our website https://www.planetaryhealingartists.org/


Random Acts of Kindness Day  - February 17th
