Tree Planting Prayer/Action for West Papua Self Determination at UN 2020/21

Tree Planting as an action of prayer and hope for West Papua's motion in the UN and a tribute to the remarkable life of Dag Hammarskjold and his Opex Plan for West Papua that was not implemented due to his untimely death. Some great videos have been made. To view these click the web link at the bottom of this page and scroll to the bottom of the page.  The videos ( or Photos) are a creative response to life and visionary contributions of Dag Hammarskjold who like many great peace makers was cut down in the prime of his life. Hoping this call out for creative response and participation is clear. If you would like to know more please call me. Thanks and blessings Faye ( 0402853147).

PLANT A TREE (seed, shrub or seedling) AS AN ACTION OF HOPE FOR WEST PAPUA DECOLONISATION LISTING AT THE UNITED NATIONS. Join tree-planting ceremonies in honour of UN Sec-General Dag Hammarskjöld (1953-61).

West Papua Womens Office in Docklands and Democratic Republic of Congo Community (Victoria) are planting a tree in honour of Dag Hammarskjöld, the UN Secretary-General found dead on 18 September 1961 after a plane-crash near the border of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) where he was mediating post-independence conflict. His death, which is still being investigated, precluded him from presenting his Decolonisation Program for the Non-Self-Governing Territory of Dutch-Nieuw Guinea (West Papua) to the 1961 UN General Assembly.  The program would have deterred Indonesia from invading the territory in 1962, and thus rendered unnecessary the so-called peace treaty that facilitated its incorporation of the territory.

Self-determination advocates are invited to plant their own tree and email a 2-minute video of the ceremony (or photo) to the West Papua Womens office. Diaspora communities from territories that have been decolonised and those that are still struggling for recognition are especially welcome. The videos will be presented to UN Sec-General Guterres on 29 September—the date Mr Hammarskjöld was buried in Sweden in 1961—by Herman Wainggai, West Papua’s UN Representative in New York. You can plant your tree at any time, but please ensure your video is sent to the office by 15 September 2020.

A Zoomair on Sunday 13 September (2pm EST) will feature influential tree-planting speakers directing attention towards the ‘why, what, and how’ of West Papua’s motion at the UN, as well as recalling the significance of the UN’s denial of self-determination in 1961 for the Non-Self-Governing Territory of Dutch Nieuw-Guinea (West Papua). At the end of the Zoomair we will show those of the two-minute (tree-planting) videos deemed to have strategic value in generating votes in the United Nations for the West Papua motion.

Inquiries; Louise 0424 745 155;

To send video Go to, add your video, and email

Suggested name for tree 'Hammarskjöld's Papuan Tree'.

Two suggestions for wording on plaque(1) This tree honours UN Sec-General Dag Hammarskjöld (1953-61) a champion of self-determination. West Papua waits for its liberation on this the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations (2) In honour of Dag Hammarskjöld, UN Sec-General (1953-1961), killed before his Decolonisation Program for West Papua was raised in the 1961 General Assembly.

Suggested speech for ceremony We plant this tree in commemoration of Dag Hammarskjöld's contribution to peace-making and the development of the United Nations. We remember the second Secretary-General for his ethical, moral, visionary, and humane peace-making at this time of the United Nations 75th birthday when our world is in need of qualities such as these to help self-determination for nations struggling against oppression, climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic. May the legacy of his life, work and writings continue to inspire present and future leaders to assist and refine the UN's role to bring peace and healing to our world. We lament Dag Hammarskjöld's untimely death and the OPEX Plan not implemented that would have secured West Papua's self-determination. May this tree be a reminder that truth, justice, liberation and love cannot die. And that Dag Hammarskjöld's life and legacy lives on to inspire us now and for future generations. Happy Birthday to the United Nations.

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