Poetry Readings Afternoon Teas, 3-5pm, Sunday 20 November 2022

Our last Poetry Readings Afternoon Teas for 2022 is coming up. The theme is freedom and human rights.

Anyone is welcome to share an original poem or other poet’s work, or just attend as a listener. Please note that the theme is open to what it means to you and your personal interpretation 💚.

Time: 3-5pm, Sunday 20 November 2022
Location: Mary Kehoe Centre, 224 Danks Street, Albert Park, 3206

The event is free, but registration is essential as places are limited. Please register eventbrite link is here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/poetry-readings-afternoon-teas-tickets-429118774807



2022 Peace Festival celebrating 10 Years of Planetary Healing


Planetary Healing Artists’ celebration was a huge success. The autumn equinox is here today!