Our Human Family

In this time of unrest between our Human Family, let us remember to say NO to racism in all its forms.

Let us work together to create a more connected and healthy planet. It is unacceptable if we cannot respect the culture of all lives here and share this planet with our brothers and sisters.

We are all in this together.  We need to ask ourselves, how are we to have a relationship understanding and respecting Mother Earth if we cannot share this planet in peace and harmony?

We can start indeed as a global citizen, unlocking the inner wisdom of knowing, doing and being. Peace will prevail.

In relation to the many protests in Australia and America, check out the below links for some further insight and information.

George Floyd and Institutional Racism https://www.uts.edu/news-and-events/706-george-floyd-and-institutional-racism-a-message-from-the-uts-president

Indigenous deaths in custody: Why Australians are seizing on US protests https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-52900929


Morning Meditation


Buddha's Celebration - 7th May