Harmony Week
Multifaith Advisory Group statement
Unity in Diversity
We are one human family on a tiny planet in an incomprehensibly vast universe of divine creation.
We live between the mysteries of birth and death for a relatively short time in a vast and magnificent universe. More than ever before, our lives are inter-connected and depend on each other.
In this context, World Interfaith Harmony is needed to cultivate and nurture compassion, understanding and unity amongst diverse cultures and beliefs in our global world, local communities, families and within ourselves.
World Interfaith Harmony Week was first proposed by H.M. King Abdullah II of Jordan and was unanimously adopted at the UN General Assembly in 2010. It is observed annually from 1-7 February and is based on two fundamental principles, ‘Love of God and Love of the Neighbour’ or ‘Love of the Good, and Love of the Neighbour’. This formula includes all people of goodwill, those of other faiths, and those with no faith.